It has been a while since I have sat down to update my blog. I have been quite busy getting better Y'LL! The semester ended and we are well on our way to Christmas and readily looking forward to 2012. Since July, my world has been turned inside out to say the least and there were many times when I really needed a positive word, a friend, or someone just to tell me that things were going to work out and be okay. I know many people, myself included read online all about the whole spontaneous dissection and were, well, scared. From day one (it's been 150 days) I have tried my very best to keep an extremely positive attitude. At times I will admitt it was very difficult, but more times then not I would find a reason to be thankful, someone would make a nice comment, I would receive a smile, or something else would just come up and distract my attention, which by the way is not a hard thing to do. My point here is that I can look back and see just how far I've come. Sit here in the present and honestly say I feel even better then before (more patients, love, and empathy). I peek ahead and I get totally excited for what adventures await! I started this blog roughly a year ago and titled it my journey, boy what a journey it has been. Today we were watching one of those sappy Christmas movies (which actually made me shed a tear) and one of the lines was "it's not a bad thing to lose everything you have and start over, at least you know you are starting from the bottom and it can only get better". That's how it was for me, the one thing I had worked so hard on and for so many years was gone, I didn't know how much if any would return, racing again was totally on the opposite end of the universe, and I kept waiting for this huge depression which, thankfully, never really came. Instead anytime it seemed I started feeling blue, I would realize just how much life means to me, how many friends I have made in the journey, and how much my priorities were a little off. So, a big thank you to all of you who I have talked to about my situation, all of you who have made me feel better (my students have played a humongous role), especially to everyone who has stuck by me throughout (my one Dr. Friend who has maintained the communication and was right all along), and to my family...I Love You guys so much I can't even begin to explain.
Now for the fun part, last week was eye opening to say the least. I had two different Dr's appointments which would change the way I can look at things now. The first was a from a new blood doctor. The old one dismissed me as all the tests he ran came out negative (he treated me as if I was wasting his precious time). The second one ordered a batch of blood work and found that I indeed have a condition known as c677t mutations(two) it meant that I am hyper-coagulable and also that I produce a higher amount of red blood cells. With this condition, plaque is more prone to build in the arteries. At least I have some answers now as to what happened. Neither myself nor my dr friend, Dr. Liz, had agreed with the whole spontaneous dissection. Every time I brought it up with my former cardiologist, he would shoot down anything different, telling me he didn't know why I clotted so bad and just kept me on a double dose of blood thinners. Enter the next night and an appointment with the doctor who actually did the intervention on me. Contrary to what I had heard, the doctor was actually pretty easy to talk to, listened to me, agreed with me, and took what I had to tell him pretty well. See one of the things that actually upset me through all this was the fact that I was able to go swimming again (a few days after I got out of the hospital) I ran into an acquaintance who proceeded to tell me how he was looking at a ghost, I was one in a million to have survived, blah blah blah. I was just like WTF, yeah I guess he had dinner with the cardiologist who had done the surgery and he felt it was cool to inform him...don't get me wrong I am extremely pleased to be here right now, happy as all hell that it was fixed with a stent and not open heart surgery, but really? Even I know it's not cool to talk openly about the medically fragile kids I work with, not too cool at all. With that being said, you can get a little insight on why I had mixed emotions before I even met the guy. The reason I am finally getting the chance to meet this cardiologist? The one who was working with him, the one who I have been seeing for the past 5 or so months, the one that had me on a double dose of effient, the one who maintained the diagnosis of SCAD, and who would rarely listen to me...I guess was fired.. I get to meet with my new cardiologist now and it went very well. I talked frankly with him and how disappointed I was in the fact that he talked about me to someone I didn't authorize, I asked him about the dissection, I asked about my future in racing again....bottom line, I liked what he had to say about everything I asked him about. See I sent out my video of the cath lab and it became evident that it looked more like a plaque rupture, a lead wire dissection, which clotted again overnight, and later sucked out with medication. He confirmed this, my wife and I sat there in awe because everything the other one told us was entirely different and everything Dr. Liz had been telling me the entire time was correct! So, folic acid and vitamin B-12 for the mutation, stay well hydrated, no staying too long in Colorado training and racing, a single dose of Effient (10 mg), and more recovery time...I am good with all that ;) but as you can imagine my head was truely spinning as three different drs are telling me three different things...two of which are cardiologists the third being my new blood dr. (more on that in a bit). For example, I was ok with knowing I have a weird mutation, maybe if my dad had known, he would still be here. I was even ok with him telling me not to race anymore and that I am extremely lucky to be where I am right now (....DUH) he said things like if you go anywhere above 5500 feet just walk and fish and don't stay long. That he has seen this condition go undiagnosed and after a few more clotting episodes I could be crippled with damage. The cardiologist says that there is no real reason I can't get back to where I was before (racing). It wouldn't happen overnight, but it didn't take overnight to get to where I was in the first place. Wow! Totally different advice...I think my wife was happier with the first :) Although the cardiologist did tell us racing in places like Hawaii would be optimal ;)
So now enter my mindset about all this.... See, I know where I was on July 11th in Boulder and I know where and how I was on July 24th when they let me walk again and I also know where i am and how i feel riht now... Honestly, this is the best I have felt in a very very long time. I think all those blood thinners were a bit much for me (dizzy spells) so naturally I am happy to be on a single dose now. My red cells are up to normal range again so I have more energy and I am fairly confident that I won't be bleeding out if I should take a spill on the bike, thanks to the basketball bunch at school. Last week we played twice with really good (young) players, I did fine (a little out of b-ball shape), but fine non the less. During the Tues game, I took a bad elbow to my big nose, it bled then stopped. Thurs..bam! Again!..and again it bled a bit then stopped and I kept playing..Awesome I thought, and they of course thought I was crazy to have taken two good shots to the face (nose) and be happy about it:) I guess what I will end up doing is taking both the Dr's advice, listening to my body and finding a happy place somewhere in between. The way I look at is that the worst part is behind me, the part where walking around the block would make me tired and dizzy and tingly. From those days every few weeks things have gotten extremely better. Look, I tell myself you just played two hard games of basketball with good players, scored a few times, hustled a few times, got a few rebounds, then ran 10 suicides, and ran around the school hallways for another 15 minutes...shit is getting better bro!! Yeah I talk to myself quite a bit, you should try it too, its kept me very positive and sometimes it's the best conversation you will have all day:) Anyway, my point is that things have gotten better on so many fronts. I know I can run 3 miles in @22 minutes, swim a 2000 in 30 minutes (pushing to about 80% on each) and bike...well that was always my best so it probably still will be a little better then the other two...The other thing I know now is how valuable my family, friends, students, and life in general is, so even if I am tapping out on the abilities now (probably not) but if I was, it's cool! Smart money says that if it has gotten better every few weeks then it should continue getting better so long as I listen to my body, and the ones who have stuck by my side and believed in me since the beginning of this journey. Special thanks to my little brother and his wife Lindsey who stuck around Las Cruces a bit longer to escort me on walks and make sure I was headed in the right direction.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Road to Recovery
First of all Thanks to Kori and Scott who were able to get me started on my latest journey....Recovery... It was them who invited me down to the Butte a few weeks back to help out at one of my all time favorite races! It was there that I encountered and surpassed yet another stepping stone, actually going to a tri..knowing I couldn't participate. I did my best in the weeks leading up to the race to be in the right frame of mind and it seemed to work pretty darn well. The evening before was the kids race, my bro Danny and I were in the transition area helping tie shoes, buckle helmets, direct traffic, and my favorite...encourage the kiddos! It was extra special because my God daughter Emma raced, with a big smile the entire time! I must admit, it was as enjoyable as it was exhausting, but the beer on the shore was just as delicious as I remembered!
After hanging out all night and laughing with the kids from Socorro High Cross Country Team, I was woken up to the sound of Kori's voice over the loud speaker... It couldn't already be time for the race to start, Shit! I overslept...wait, I am not racing today :) ahh, relief, and ahh my legs are a little sore?? Oh yeah I almost forgot, Mar is already signed up for her 3rd half marathon (Las Vegas Rock and Roll) and last night she was bumming around the camp fire about how she really needed to do her long run, but ran out of time...Hmmm, how far, I hint, 6 miles, she says...Hmmmm, well you know I think I can go an easy 6 and I promise that if I get too tired I will just stop and walk (cross my fingers and hope she goes for it). Hook, line, and thing I knew we were making our way up the sandy hill towards the the ranger station. Finally up to the top of the hill and the road flattens out, all the way to the last gas station, turned around and headed back. On the way back Mar decided she was feeling good and accidentally picked up the felt so good to run a little quicker, but right away she shut it down...I guess she got a little scared for me:) I didn't mind, either way I was running/jogging again! What a beautiful run it was..the lake, night, beers on ice, my bro's Steven and Danny waiting at camp...couldn't get much better than that!! So, "happy little soreness" brought a big smile to my face, I jumped out of bed and watched the inaugural NM half ironman start. My job, wet suit stripper (along with the Socorro CC Team) fun times!! We stripped wet suits, made victory tunnels for the athletes to run through, and of course joked and laughed the entire time! There were a few emotional moments for me during the race, but not really because I wasn't racing (as you might think), rather it was the moments when people come up to me and tell me they liked my blog, or that I was looking great, or that they prayed so hard for me, basically every time someone told me something nice. It sure was nice to volunteer at local race with athletes who range in ability to the best in the nation (Clay Mosely) all the way way to the beginner (Patricia Miller) and the ones in between like Jeffery Oxford...who, by the way, borrowed (and wrecked) the bike I let him borrow for his first triathlon a few years back! My point here is that my last race was the 5150 event in Boulder, you know the place where even the one year veterans are riding a10k tri bike and think they are God's gift to the triathlon world... yeah you get my drift:) I would gladly help out my homies over them other types..The folks in T or C who help with the Elephant Man Triathlon truly ROCK and it felt like a homecoming of sorts.....Thanks A Bunch Gang!!!
Now for the recovery...It is going pretty well, all things considered. I have been told I am surpassing the wildest expectations of one of the most optimistic cardiac rehab doctors who I have kept in contact with since day one (that's a good thing). My current nurse in cardiac rehab never knew the treadmill maxed out at 7.0 mph (more on that coming later), last weekend I was able to run 9 miles (8:55 pace) with Mar, my workout hours are hovering around 9 hrs/wk, ran a mile in 7:30 (got a little dizzy), and it seems like I am able to handle more as each week passes. Everything is different now, but I keep telling myself it will get better with time. I will get into better shape again, be able to run a little quicker again, be able to ride my bike outside again, and find a reason to get back in the pool again. I count my blessings every single day (multiple times) and do think it is the medication that is holding me back, but I can deal with that for a's kinds like training with a parachute and when I take it off in about a year, well, you know where I am going with that! Did I mention everything is different now? True things: I seem to be happier now both at work and at home, I look at life a little different now, words like patience, compassion, and love now have understanding and purpose behind them. It's weird working on trying to get my athleticism back (daily), while at the same time trying to embrace a new way of life. The hardest part are the mixed emotions, it's like I started living again on July 21st. I will take all the good that came along with it, continue to work hard to get back what was lost, and try not to let the gap between get the better of me...again. Interesting huh? That's how I feel, you know, I get a chance to start all over, wipe the slate clean so to speak...think about it, if you had a chance to start over don't you feel it's only fair you lose all the aspects you thought made up your very being, made you, well, you; the biggest part of yourself that you feel made people like you...only to be gifted something that was there all along (just grossly overlooked). Would you do it? Well, this is the reason I am OK with all this. It is what it is, there are two completely different ways to look at it and I am sticking with the "embrace" option...on all fronts (with the help from family and friends new and old). I would like to end this on the funny.. back to the 7.0 on the treadmill. See, I use cardiac rehab to my full advantage. I have a workout in mind most of the time and I like to see if I am improving from week to week. I am hooked up to a heart monitor the entire time which I use as valuable information as I workout. Example, a few weeks back I ran for about 20 minutes and ended at about 7.5 mph that was enough to have PVC's, but this past week I was able to run for :40 min and reach 8.0 mph with less PVC's (both frequency and in general)! Getting better! Anyway, it takes me pushing just a little to discover the new and improving limits. I started my workout (on the treadmill they put me on) began upping the speed, got to 7.0 and it went no further..Dammit I was on a treadmill that had a speed governor! I got a little glimpse (as did they) of that old competitive Mike, I may have said a cuss word, jumped off the treadmill, jumped on the new one, and began the workout again...I really wanted to see how fast I could run I did...and it turned out fine;) That whole scenario reminded me of the time my dad brought home this mini bike (50cc) when I was 9, it too had a speed governor, I immediately followed the throttle cable, knocked off the little screw that limited the throttle, went from 15 to 25mph and was never happier. I guess you could say we are just happiest when allowed to set our own limits (within reason)...By the way big thanks to my Nurses at cardiac rehab they have been very understanding with me :)
After hanging out all night and laughing with the kids from Socorro High Cross Country Team, I was woken up to the sound of Kori's voice over the loud speaker... It couldn't already be time for the race to start, Shit! I overslept...wait, I am not racing today :) ahh, relief, and ahh my legs are a little sore?? Oh yeah I almost forgot, Mar is already signed up for her 3rd half marathon (Las Vegas Rock and Roll) and last night she was bumming around the camp fire about how she really needed to do her long run, but ran out of time...Hmmm, how far, I hint, 6 miles, she says...Hmmmm, well you know I think I can go an easy 6 and I promise that if I get too tired I will just stop and walk (cross my fingers and hope she goes for it). Hook, line, and thing I knew we were making our way up the sandy hill towards the the ranger station. Finally up to the top of the hill and the road flattens out, all the way to the last gas station, turned around and headed back. On the way back Mar decided she was feeling good and accidentally picked up the felt so good to run a little quicker, but right away she shut it down...I guess she got a little scared for me:) I didn't mind, either way I was running/jogging again! What a beautiful run it was..the lake, night, beers on ice, my bro's Steven and Danny waiting at camp...couldn't get much better than that!! So, "happy little soreness" brought a big smile to my face, I jumped out of bed and watched the inaugural NM half ironman start. My job, wet suit stripper (along with the Socorro CC Team) fun times!! We stripped wet suits, made victory tunnels for the athletes to run through, and of course joked and laughed the entire time! There were a few emotional moments for me during the race, but not really because I wasn't racing (as you might think), rather it was the moments when people come up to me and tell me they liked my blog, or that I was looking great, or that they prayed so hard for me, basically every time someone told me something nice. It sure was nice to volunteer at local race with athletes who range in ability to the best in the nation (Clay Mosely) all the way way to the beginner (Patricia Miller) and the ones in between like Jeffery Oxford...who, by the way, borrowed (and wrecked) the bike I let him borrow for his first triathlon a few years back! My point here is that my last race was the 5150 event in Boulder, you know the place where even the one year veterans are riding a10k tri bike and think they are God's gift to the triathlon world... yeah you get my drift:) I would gladly help out my homies over them other types..The folks in T or C who help with the Elephant Man Triathlon truly ROCK and it felt like a homecoming of sorts.....Thanks A Bunch Gang!!!
Now for the recovery...It is going pretty well, all things considered. I have been told I am surpassing the wildest expectations of one of the most optimistic cardiac rehab doctors who I have kept in contact with since day one (that's a good thing). My current nurse in cardiac rehab never knew the treadmill maxed out at 7.0 mph (more on that coming later), last weekend I was able to run 9 miles (8:55 pace) with Mar, my workout hours are hovering around 9 hrs/wk, ran a mile in 7:30 (got a little dizzy), and it seems like I am able to handle more as each week passes. Everything is different now, but I keep telling myself it will get better with time. I will get into better shape again, be able to run a little quicker again, be able to ride my bike outside again, and find a reason to get back in the pool again. I count my blessings every single day (multiple times) and do think it is the medication that is holding me back, but I can deal with that for a's kinds like training with a parachute and when I take it off in about a year, well, you know where I am going with that! Did I mention everything is different now? True things: I seem to be happier now both at work and at home, I look at life a little different now, words like patience, compassion, and love now have understanding and purpose behind them. It's weird working on trying to get my athleticism back (daily), while at the same time trying to embrace a new way of life. The hardest part are the mixed emotions, it's like I started living again on July 21st. I will take all the good that came along with it, continue to work hard to get back what was lost, and try not to let the gap between get the better of me...again. Interesting huh? That's how I feel, you know, I get a chance to start all over, wipe the slate clean so to speak...think about it, if you had a chance to start over don't you feel it's only fair you lose all the aspects you thought made up your very being, made you, well, you; the biggest part of yourself that you feel made people like you...only to be gifted something that was there all along (just grossly overlooked). Would you do it? Well, this is the reason I am OK with all this. It is what it is, there are two completely different ways to look at it and I am sticking with the "embrace" option...on all fronts (with the help from family and friends new and old). I would like to end this on the funny.. back to the 7.0 on the treadmill. See, I use cardiac rehab to my full advantage. I have a workout in mind most of the time and I like to see if I am improving from week to week. I am hooked up to a heart monitor the entire time which I use as valuable information as I workout. Example, a few weeks back I ran for about 20 minutes and ended at about 7.5 mph that was enough to have PVC's, but this past week I was able to run for :40 min and reach 8.0 mph with less PVC's (both frequency and in general)! Getting better! Anyway, it takes me pushing just a little to discover the new and improving limits. I started my workout (on the treadmill they put me on) began upping the speed, got to 7.0 and it went no further..Dammit I was on a treadmill that had a speed governor! I got a little glimpse (as did they) of that old competitive Mike, I may have said a cuss word, jumped off the treadmill, jumped on the new one, and began the workout again...I really wanted to see how fast I could run I did...and it turned out fine;) That whole scenario reminded me of the time my dad brought home this mini bike (50cc) when I was 9, it too had a speed governor, I immediately followed the throttle cable, knocked off the little screw that limited the throttle, went from 15 to 25mph and was never happier. I guess you could say we are just happiest when allowed to set our own limits (within reason)...By the way big thanks to my Nurses at cardiac rehab they have been very understanding with me :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
It wasn't until later, maybe even as late as now and probably a bit longer to get a real grasp on what happened. I would be lying if I were to say that I don't miss the way it used to be, that I don't want to ride my bike for 4 hours anymore, that I don't mind not running (full speed) on a single track trail or down the basketball court for that matter, but from where it was two months ago....I will not complain!
Let me try to put some comprehension to all this, both for myself and you:) Last week, on Thursday/ Friday, it was 8 weeks...that's it 8 weeks. I have to say it twice because of the need to remind myself! I feel so good right now that I would not only like to, but also feel it's possible to (on a slightly lower level) resume my old schedule. Although due to the obvious, some scared issues, and the fact that I am enjoying the heck out of "daddy and husband" time, it is is safe to say I will stay with the "Lazy Larry" version of my former self for a while longer.
I left off in the last post right about the point where there were these angels in my room with me, and they made me feel really comforted at a time when I really needed them most! Now I don't rightfully know who they were exactly, but I have my suspicions...Someday my wish will be to hover just over those nights and get a glimpse of who all was in that room with me (it's not like I haven't already asked to dream about it anyway). The suspicions all come from leading this other life that is not really surrounded with racing, competing, and triathlons so much. See, I've always known that there will come a day when I wasn't fulfilled by triathlon, wasn't as fast anymore, or just didn't want to work as hard at it anymore. Never would it have been because I didn't love the sport, think it was a healthy alternative for being your average middle age dude, nor the time constraints involved with training (my wife and kids can attest to all the late night rides and runs). I never really gave much thought to an injury, especially one of the nature as mine being the stealer of life as I knew it....yeah I said it! There has been exactly 2 out of the 60 days that I have felt that way...the second being a few days ago.
I remember when I started doing this crazy/fun as hell sport some 20 years ago. There was a guy named Bobby Gonzales and he was so super fast! He was in his mid 30's when I began at age 20 something. I can remember saying to myself, "I wanna be that fast someday"! I would train endlessly and do countless extra laps or extra times up Aggie Mountain because I wanted to win races just like him when I was older. There were races when I would out split him on the bike, then there came a time when I would not only catch him, but also pass and put time into him before the run....only to get run down by this freak who could run a damn low 16 minute 5k off the bike! What I remember most is that when Bobby was around 42, he was practically unbeatable (around here anyway). He was the first semi local person (El Paso) to win a Tucson series race, everyone in the tri community knew his name, and at races he was the MAN to beat! My point is I am about to be 42 and as fast as I had ever been. The plan was in place and the puzzle only lacked a few pieces, which were in my reach. God had other plans for me. Plans for me to be a better Mike then I feel I was. See, for me anyway, there was something which went hand in hand with winning a few races and the ability to compete in some awesome locations. This thing I talk about?? ATTITUDE, you know the racers edge, the chip on your shoulder that whispers in your ear, "You're the man - Don't back down from anyone - You're here to win, give it your absolute all, or die trying...slowing down is not in the cards". I both hate to admit it yet I take ownership for the way I was (at times)...what am I talking about? Being in shape, being granted love for competition, and doing well in our sport gave me a self imposed and skewed vision of myself. I, at times, and mostly during competitions, would let this other dude out of the bag...Want confirmation, This past year at Trifest, "The Boss Man" and long time friend Seton Claggett told the story of the time I went off course, he went and picked me up, tried to get me back in the race (xterra), only to have me say cuss words as I zig zagged my mtn. bike through the forest with a full head of steam. Lucky for me a few years ago I took a look in the mirror and I wasn't too comfortable (to say the least) so I made a little change. Mostly in the way I acted at races and I couldn't be happier that I did! See, when I was "all jacked up" in the hospital, a few weeks when I got home, and even now, I received my confirmation in the form of e-mails, phone calls and hospital visits! I can never even begin to explain how much it means to me to hear how people I race against look up to me or that a prominent coach tells his athletes to emulate my attitude. YES, I did it right, left a little footprint in the southwest tri community, and reaffirms that the last 20 years have gone to wonderful cause, THANK YOU!
When I got home, I tried my best to remain positive and hold on to the reflections made in the ICU. Three of the hardest things for me were: 1. Seeing my training diary on the table where I left it. 2. My pre-race play list on my i-pod. 3. Going into the garage and seeing all my bikes hanging there.....It didn't take too long for things to get better, ie, 1. My diary went from hour run, 3 hr bike ride, etc. to 20 min walk and an actual diary. 2.Really cool thing happened with my play list-I played it over the system at cardiac rehab and the older ladies (70-80) digged it! They were bobbing their heads, riding the stationary bikes, and walking on the treadmill with rhythm :) big time! As for number 3, well for the most part the bikes are still in the same place I left them two months ago, but they are spotless. The one bike I have gotten on is my old Rock hopper with the tag along attached. Levi and I will sneak out on the roads and ride for an hour. Trying to put a positive spin on hardships can take a person places they never thought possible... it's a good thing. I am getting a grasp on triathlon from every angle and I am here to say that I am excited to look at it through the eyes of a beginner again...Talk about full circle :)
Now for the warning signs...which I rationalized, but might help someone else out in a similar situation. After some flashbacks, research, and phone calls from unlikely places; I am able to draw some conclusions...for myself anyways. Back in 2009 I noticed there was just something not right during the swim portion at Deuces Wild, I had a panic attack in the water and thought I was going to have to drop out. It got better and I finished the swim and the tri, but I after that I went to the Dr. and he gave me an inhaler. Exercise induced asthma...that would explain why it was was getting harder to start my runs and why my feet would get numb during some runs, and why my swim was falling off the charts lately, and why my hand and feet were getting numb and cold when I was swimming.....right? As athletes there are always answers for issues like these....too little body fat to stay warm in the 79* water, just need another pair of shoes that are a bit softer, and it's normal for my left arm to get tingly while riding because being in the aero position could cut off some blood flow.....shake the arm out get back down and ride even harder right?? No, Dumb Ass! These were your warning signs, but please understand, every time I would feel a little off, my legs just didn't have it....there would be a really good race result and I would decide that would serve as my check up. No need to go back to my cardiologist when I just sprinted in 105* weather and was fine right?? Yeah, I have known about a heart condition since I was about three years old, it's known as aortic stenosis (murmur). My aorta is bi cuspid and there is really no stenosis of the actual artery, but it needs a name. I had always gone to see my cardiologist every 5 years to get checked out, but my good friend, heart doc, and fellow triathlete, Dr. Richard Meltzer, passed away back in 2006 (may he rest in peace) just after my last visit....I bet he would have known all the signs! I think that the straw that broke the camel's back was crazy wk out I did. I thought my swimming needed a little revamping so I got a sledge hammer from the pawn shop and proceeded to beat the crap out of a humongous tractor tire.....for the next two nights as I slept, I remember my feet being really cold. Again, I should have known better. With all this what I believe happened is that I had a clog or plaque or something already there blocking flow and when I hit the tire for like a half hour in the mid day sun... well, it ripped all that stuff out. I felt it! It was like something (worm like) on the bottom of my heart expanded then contracted...then, well that part pretty much SUCKED!
Hopefully this post can help another athlete or anyone for that matter be more vigilant of the warning signs. I have always wanted to be a person that people look up to and respect. Never did I think I was going to turn into someone who thought they were better then anyone else, but that's just the nature of the beast sometimes in competition...thin line between cocky and confidence I guess. I know both sides of the pendulum now and I will say with all honestly that if it meant going through what I did to get to the place I am right now....well, I am okay with it and if you really want to know the truth, I am at peace with myself more now then ever before.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
9-6-11 Be Like Mike......Part 1
The last month has been a mix of emotions to say the least! I am pleased to have this blog at least it lets me get some things off chest, keep my friends and family updated, and hopefully help someone else out by being alert to warning signs. I try to be honest in my posts or as I like to call it, keep it real. This one is no different my friends....
First off I need to start with (besides about a day or two) my feeling about this entire ordeal have remained thankful, hopeful, and joyful. I totally surround myself with positive people who I have called friends for quite some time, the people you just know would absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt, drop anything for you. Not only do I enjoy these people, but I also emulate to be like them. It's a crazy thing when you are forced to lay still for a few days not knowing what the heck is going to happen to you next. I was able to take a nice long look at myself from every angle, examine who I needed in my life, what my actions have meant and how they have affected others (both negatively and positively), what I will change...if given the opportunity, and most of all what mattered most. I will hit on all this later;) It's a pretty tough thing to do, ya know, really look at your life from the point of you not being around any more..well, I did it and wish everybody would as well (without the whole ICU thing that is) I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy...Which by the way, I have absolutely none....from my point of view, that is:)Remember my last post where I said I was sorry, I meant it, so for me; there is absolutely no one I hate or have not forgiven...True thing! Try it, live a few days without any hatred, no anger, no self imposed illusions of what you want people to think of you. Just live, be thankful, helpful, and LOVE a little deeper then you have ever thought possible, cry some tears of happiness, and shoot me an e mail telling me all about it (I love those)!! This may sound strange, but I am actually thankful (in a sense) that this happened to me. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely have loved without an ounce of a doubt to have raced at my hometown triathlon, been racing in Austin this weekend, and giving getting my name on the trailer at Elephant Man another shot, but I accept the fact...not this year, and maybe not again..remains to be determined?? So why the heck am I thankful you say? Well, for starters I am alive! Sure I would have love to have defended my course record in Austin this weekend, but instead I was able to drive my 87 year old Abuelita, my mom, wife, kids, and beautiful God Daughter to a very sacred place, (in my Hispanic culture) Santuario De Chimayo. This is place of pilgrimage, a place of healing, a place of tranquility, a place of surrender, a place to give thanks. My grandma and mom have been wanting me to take them there for the last 5 years, but there was always something I just had to do....mostly another race, another chance for me to prove something to myself, another reason to give to myself, but not today or lately for that matter. Yes, triathlon is quite the selfish sport when you look at it from this point of view. It's times like these that I question the last few years, but I also know that if it weren't for all the training and racing I definitely would not be making this post right now. Yes, triathlons saved my life. My heart was very strong going into this and hopefully it will be able to do all the same things I once asked it to do....if that's the path we choose:) The friends I have made along the way are invaluable, the memories are as fresh as if they happened yesterday, I literally dream triathlon....totally mixed emotions....I know!
This brings me to the next experience I wouldn't mind sharing. Rewind to July 23. Wanna know what it was like to "Be Like Mike" (a shirt I wear from time to time) was a lot better on July 3rd when we were sprinting for the victory in Tucson or riding my ass off trying to crush everyone in sight, or on July 11th when there was a 2 minute PR, with a swim malfunction, but it is July 23rd!!!! RRRR!!! I was just as strong on the bike as I have ever been!! I was actually feeling that my run was actually coming around!! I had actually even done speed work for the run!! I was on top of my world just yesterday!! How could I have gone from there to here?? What the F*** had just happened?? Don't ask the Dr's cuz they know about as much about this as I do, don't fall asleep cuz you might not wake up, what the hell is that damn pain in my chest still, this is two times to the cath lab what if it happens again where the heck are they gonna go in from?? Please don't open me up, I will lay here as still as heavenly possible, just please don't open me up and please stop with the trips to the cath lab...and PLEASE someone tell me what the F*** is happening here, and lastly why am I not all that pissed off? Why am I actually comforted amidst all this uncertainty and (this is the trippy part), who the heck are all these people in my room? I could always look over my left shoulder and knew Mar would be in the recliner chair, ready to bring me anything I would ask for, many times I asked just for my sanity. My sanity? Sure, I mean I could make out my bros, my family, and most of the friends that came in to visit and it gave me reassurance to be able to hold hands, shake hands, and hug them, but there the whole time (especially in the beginning) there were people I could feel. People that would tell it's time to pray, people who would lead me to a calm, peaceful, more restful place. A place where where I felt nothing short of comfort, warmth, and love. A place where there was no why the F*** did this happen to me or Dammit I want to get back and race again. This place was all about a humble, meek, vulnerable, yet comforted feeling. I knew that between the pain in my groin, uncomfortable feeling in my chest, uncertainties abound, the pain killers, the fact that I was scared shitless and was having trouble distinguishing between reality and this euphoric state, these people offered me respite.....and I took them up on it...
First off I need to start with (besides about a day or two) my feeling about this entire ordeal have remained thankful, hopeful, and joyful. I totally surround myself with positive people who I have called friends for quite some time, the people you just know would absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt, drop anything for you. Not only do I enjoy these people, but I also emulate to be like them. It's a crazy thing when you are forced to lay still for a few days not knowing what the heck is going to happen to you next. I was able to take a nice long look at myself from every angle, examine who I needed in my life, what my actions have meant and how they have affected others (both negatively and positively), what I will change...if given the opportunity, and most of all what mattered most. I will hit on all this later;) It's a pretty tough thing to do, ya know, really look at your life from the point of you not being around any more..well, I did it and wish everybody would as well (without the whole ICU thing that is) I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy...Which by the way, I have absolutely none....from my point of view, that is:)Remember my last post where I said I was sorry, I meant it, so for me; there is absolutely no one I hate or have not forgiven...True thing! Try it, live a few days without any hatred, no anger, no self imposed illusions of what you want people to think of you. Just live, be thankful, helpful, and LOVE a little deeper then you have ever thought possible, cry some tears of happiness, and shoot me an e mail telling me all about it (I love those)!! This may sound strange, but I am actually thankful (in a sense) that this happened to me. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely have loved without an ounce of a doubt to have raced at my hometown triathlon, been racing in Austin this weekend, and giving getting my name on the trailer at Elephant Man another shot, but I accept the fact...not this year, and maybe not again..remains to be determined?? So why the heck am I thankful you say? Well, for starters I am alive! Sure I would have love to have defended my course record in Austin this weekend, but instead I was able to drive my 87 year old Abuelita, my mom, wife, kids, and beautiful God Daughter to a very sacred place, (in my Hispanic culture) Santuario De Chimayo. This is place of pilgrimage, a place of healing, a place of tranquility, a place of surrender, a place to give thanks. My grandma and mom have been wanting me to take them there for the last 5 years, but there was always something I just had to do....mostly another race, another chance for me to prove something to myself, another reason to give to myself, but not today or lately for that matter. Yes, triathlon is quite the selfish sport when you look at it from this point of view. It's times like these that I question the last few years, but I also know that if it weren't for all the training and racing I definitely would not be making this post right now. Yes, triathlons saved my life. My heart was very strong going into this and hopefully it will be able to do all the same things I once asked it to do....if that's the path we choose:) The friends I have made along the way are invaluable, the memories are as fresh as if they happened yesterday, I literally dream triathlon....totally mixed emotions....I know!
This brings me to the next experience I wouldn't mind sharing. Rewind to July 23. Wanna know what it was like to "Be Like Mike" (a shirt I wear from time to time) was a lot better on July 3rd when we were sprinting for the victory in Tucson or riding my ass off trying to crush everyone in sight, or on July 11th when there was a 2 minute PR, with a swim malfunction, but it is July 23rd!!!! RRRR!!! I was just as strong on the bike as I have ever been!! I was actually feeling that my run was actually coming around!! I had actually even done speed work for the run!! I was on top of my world just yesterday!! How could I have gone from there to here?? What the F*** had just happened?? Don't ask the Dr's cuz they know about as much about this as I do, don't fall asleep cuz you might not wake up, what the hell is that damn pain in my chest still, this is two times to the cath lab what if it happens again where the heck are they gonna go in from?? Please don't open me up, I will lay here as still as heavenly possible, just please don't open me up and please stop with the trips to the cath lab...and PLEASE someone tell me what the F*** is happening here, and lastly why am I not all that pissed off? Why am I actually comforted amidst all this uncertainty and (this is the trippy part), who the heck are all these people in my room? I could always look over my left shoulder and knew Mar would be in the recliner chair, ready to bring me anything I would ask for, many times I asked just for my sanity. My sanity? Sure, I mean I could make out my bros, my family, and most of the friends that came in to visit and it gave me reassurance to be able to hold hands, shake hands, and hug them, but there the whole time (especially in the beginning) there were people I could feel. People that would tell it's time to pray, people who would lead me to a calm, peaceful, more restful place. A place where where I felt nothing short of comfort, warmth, and love. A place where there was no why the F*** did this happen to me or Dammit I want to get back and race again. This place was all about a humble, meek, vulnerable, yet comforted feeling. I knew that between the pain in my groin, uncomfortable feeling in my chest, uncertainties abound, the pain killers, the fact that I was scared shitless and was having trouble distinguishing between reality and this euphoric state, these people offered me respite.....and I took them up on it...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
8-02-11 Making sense of recent events....
What a whirl wind to say the least! I am sure that everyone who has read my blog also knows I was a little out of commission for a while. I am back home now and doing much better. A couple Thursdays ago I wrote on my blog and I was feeling really good about the rest of the tri season. The training had been going well, I had trained for the majority of the summer at altitude, and just had two pretty darn good races. I elected to stay home on that morning and not go for my usual run, bike, or swim. This decision would later prove to be my life saver. I was on the couch and smelled pizza, so naturally I got up to get a piece. My plan was to eat a little bit then head out for a nice little ride. As I got off the couch I felt what seemed like indigestion, but I hadn't eaten anything yet...not a big deal, then it turned to dizzy, cold sweats, and more pressure. I figured I would lie down and let the feeling pass..maybe I was catching a little cold from all the travels?? Long story short it never went away and by 5 that evening I was in the cath lab with what appeared to be a Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) this was a total freak thing and extremely rare. Luckily, the best cath lab Dr. was the one who worked on me. I was awake the entire time and heard everything. I could tell there was confusion and my arteries were clear and huge, except for the spot in the right coronary artery which was full of clotting. When the artery dissected it was not the dissection which caused the block, it was my body doing what it normally does...clot any cut. This condition is extremely rare and I have been told by numerous people not to look up the condition on the internet. I wish that would have been the end of it and I could have recovered from that point forward, but unfortunately by 5 the next morning I was back in the cath lab with the same damn symptoms. The clotting came back and in the same place. This time it seemed to go much smoother and the clotting responded better to the newer medication. I was given a second stent. The sizes were each around 5.3 or so...the biggest ever used at MMC (a total edge for me)! Back to my room and my bed n the CCU. I had already had to lay still for the 12 hrs since the last procedure, and for those of you who know hyper ass does not take well to sitting still:) Not 10 minutes back in my room, my nurse notices I have began to bleed from my femoral artery (the one they used the second time) this was cause for much commotion, pain, the use of a Fem Stop device that turned my left leg purple, and me having to lay perfectly still for the next 30 hours!! They put me on some heavy duty blood thinners which unfortunately had to be monitored every two hrs via blood tests, tried to figure out what was going on, and tried to reassure me that it was not going to happen again. During that time I was able to think and re prioritize my world, look over and see Marlene right there beside me through the whole ordeal, be thankful for all the wonderful people I have in my life (family and friends), but unfortunately not sleep a whole lot. I had lost my appetite, and was on some pretty good pain killers, so this made it nearly impossible for me to tell if my stomach was growling, my heart was jacking up again, or it was all in my sucked..just a little bit. Turned out, yes, I was starving, and yes the other noise I was feeling (kinda like a cat purr) was coming from a condition known as a pericardial rub. This is where the sack around the heart becomes inflamed and rub against the out side protecting wall of the heart (I still get a little of this now). Great I thought, at least I am not going back to the cath lab....both sides were already used up and sore! A little pain killers and the rub would subside, a little sandwich and the growling would subside as well. Finally on Saturday I made the Dr. promise me that if I were to lay as still as possible maybe I could get up out of bed... he agreed. A Mike funny... I must confess one of my main motivators of getting my ass out of bed was that the toilet was about eight feet away from my bed...I was bound and determined NOT to use the bed pan...mission accomplished :) After I was able to get out of bed I began to feel better each day, I could take sponge bath (something I do quite frequently after a ride), got my sheets changed, and sit in a regular chair to eat and visit. I knew I had scared a lot of people and at least if they would get to see me up and walking I felt that it would make them feel better. It was not too long after I started walking again that the I was removed from all the IVs and I could unplug myself and cruise around the nurses station by myself. After about 5 or so days in the CCU, I was moved to the main floor, and then released the next morning. Seems like the Dr. felt the nurses were going to give me another heart attack when they would all come rushing in every night at 3am when I had finally fallen asleep and my heart rate would drop to the high 20's... Another long story short: Nobody that worked on me or that was in charge of me had ever experienced this (SCAD) before so I signed over all my medical records to be reviewed by my sister in law. She is a wonderful Dr. who runs a cardiac rehab clinic in Boise, ID. Yesterday I went to see my cardiologist for the first time since the hospital and I was very happy to be in his care. He told me I could start swimming again!!! I am on quite a dose of blood thinners (Effient), I can not run for a spell, and it would be a little unwise for me to go for a bike ride outside (at least until they lessen the dose of thinners)...that's okay though I already put a Lemond trainer on my wish list ;) I have been doing some single leg cycling as I stand on one side of the spinning bike, taking long family walks, and just trying to focus solely on the positives....which far out weigh the negatives in my opinion. At yesterday's visit I was wondering if the Doc would change his diagnosis, but nope, he kept it....We all realized (Mar too) just how lucky I am to be alive! I am not angry at God that this happened nor am I going to feel sorry for myself instead I am going to do my best to get better each day (both mentally and physically), hold my family and friend even more deeply, take full advantage everyday to bring laughter and joy to those around me, and be thankful for a second chance! To my family and friends who have remained by side: Thank you all so very much! You were and will remain to be an inspiration to me. To my wife, kids, mom, grandma, bros and in laws...take a deep breath, The Dr.s have all told me that I am dumb ass is going to be around a while longer. To my team mates: KICK SOME ASS for me! I totally enjoy reading about all your successes via blogs, emails, etc. To anyone who might be reading this that I have ever wronged or pissed off... Sorry... Whatever bad that there may have been in my heart was sucked, stented, or medicated out... now my job is to fill that sucker up with good, love, and positive vibes.... For now peace out and MUCH LOVE, Mike
Kids got me this shirt....says it all!! |
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So Happy to be messing around with little man again...Levi's 7th birthday :) :) A few days ago..He needed help learning how to slide... |
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Racing in the Mother Land..(NM) 7-21-11
Summer is flying by... yet again, but I can say it has been one of the best on record so far! The training has remained constant as consecutive day #212 went off yesterday with a bike ride and a return to Hot Flow Yoga class. The ride was chill enough, but the yoga class was down right BLISS. I always leave that place feeling like a brand new person inside and out! Yesterday I went through my old training logs and it revealed I have only trained abut 15 more hours this summer then last...What the heck, last summer I was taking days off from the training and this summer I have not. Hours in general for the year are not a humongous amount different either for that matter. This is my take on it: it seems that in the years past I would take a little break then have a big training day of say 5 hours or so, now, I am consistently around 2 hours a day. When you do the math the numbers come out surprisingly close... The one thing which has happened with the consistency in everyday workouts is that people have told me I look much thinner...I say leaner...(171 and 6.5%) either way I feel pretty good and I have taken full advantage of the opportunities to train in places I wouldn't have otherwise (streets of Denver, hot springs in Ouray, and even a hotel facility...that I was not staying at). EZ training runs with Mar have been the staple of my recovery and rest days and as a result she has just signed up for her 3rd half marathon!! She has really gotten into it, enough to ask me about giving her some speed workouts so she can bring her times down:) Before it was just about finishing and having fun, but now it seems like she has gotten a bit more competitive...Awesome!
Boulder Race Report: After the Tucson race I was feeling a little pissed about my swimming! Seems like last year at the same race/distance I was able to do a 10:26 and this year it was 11:03!! WTF, if I would have done somewhere near the same time it would have been an easy win! The best I can figure is that my body composition has changed a bit and I don't float as well as I did last summer so I work a little harder now to keep proper body position where as before I didn't worry about it?? Anyways, I did get some speed sleeves from (to go along with my farmer john wetsuit)..straight up GEEK at the start line! I practiced with the sleeves prior to the race and they felt the pool. Problem was that on race day the pace was faster and the sleeves immediately started slipping off my arms. At first it was one arm at a time, then both together, then just the left, then the rhyme or reason it just seemed like they wanted off my arms!! I was pissed and almost left them floating in the Boulder Reservoir, but I just kept pulling them back up and sprinting forward. I would kick as hard as I could, get streamline, pull them up one at a time, then take off again...SUCKED!! After the swim it was business as usual , hammer on the bike then try to run hard and don't get passed. The bike ride was absolutely beautiful with a 16% climb at about mile 7-8 then some fast downhill followed by mild downhill (push the biggest gear you have) till about mile 20ish where the rollers are...all in all it was a fun course. The run was a simple out and back 10k on dirt roads. The return trip was faster then going out and I need to remember to push harder in that direction next year! When it was all said and done I finished 20th in the amateur division and got to see fellow team members Brad Hendron, Missy Kuck, and Amy Regan. On a positive note, The dude that won Deuces Wild, Cam Hill (former professional) was there. He did a 2:07, same time as in Show Low. In Show Low I was a full 14 minutes behind him! In Boulder I was only 6 minutes back. Cam raced in the Elite division and placed 5th....Nice guy by the way :)
With my first NM triathlon of the season on the horizon I have to say all systems are GO!! Until next time, be safe, God Speed, and keep the rubber side down....
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Marlene and Christine before their last half in Pagosa |
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Straight up Baller going into the swim start AKA Allen Iverson or for the new generation, LaBron... |
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RRRRR!!! Could have been a minute faster...EZ!! |
Friday, July 8, 2011
Blast from the Past.... 7-08-2011
Seems like summer is in full swing and we have been running around the bases non stop. Part of the joy in being teachers is, of course, getting the summer off. I for one try my best to take full advantage in order to return completely refreshed and rejuvenated! Sometimes throughout the summer months, however, we are able to run into, hear from, or hear about a former student/athlete and it makes us just want to return to running around the Field of Dreams in Las Cruces with a blind 8th my case anyway:)
As you already know Leticia Martinez is one of my peeps who I put tons of faith into, someone who when they call (text) will certainly brighten your day, someone who not only levels out the negatives and makes it all worth the while, but someone who can actually make me see past myself:) For the better part of the past 2 years Leticia and I have texted (via an app which adds voice to text). We keep one another updated on the goings on if you will, we encourage each other...I try to send her good vibes about her training and let her know about my race results while she keeps me motivated and encouraged by not only her remarkable race results, but by her shear resilience, will power, drive, and positive attitude. A couple years ago I remember Leticia being really happy when we took our annual Colorado family vacation because it meant a lull in her triathlon training for a few days (mostly the running). This summer as we are in CO... so is Leticia, only she is also training and racing....AT THE OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTER!!! Yeah she is a total bad ass swimmer now. She attacked that sport much the same way she attacks everything in life...pedal to the metal! Currently Leticia is ranked number 1 in the United States and 6th in the world among blind swimmers! Her current goal is to break :30 seconds in the 50 free, her longer term goal...London 2012!! To express how very proud I am of her would be extremely difficult, so most of the time I just say keep it up or good job or something along those lines. It's not until later that it all begins to sink in and I realize just how far she has come and how dramatically sports can change a persons perspective on life... makes me very happy! A funny on Leticia.... I remember when we would train for the run, Leticia would do this little trick where she would not only loosely tie her shoes, she would also tie one just a fraction looser then the other..Why, you ask yourself?? Easy, because as we would get to running first one would "mysteriously" come untied, then a a little while later the other one would do the same... She would get to rest, sit, and tie her shoe, not once, but twice! I would let her for the most part and just pretend not to be hip to her trickery, but then during the Socorro Triathlon when it was game time one little shoe came untied and I quickly tied them both...TIGHT! She said,"what are you doing I usually tie my own shoes"... not this time I explained. We needed to hustle to the finish line and sitting down in the middle of a triathlon to tie not one, but two shoes (in a quarter mile) was just not an option, she sort of gave a frustrated sigh, then later a little chuckle, and at the end a huge thank you as we crossed the finish line....
On the racing/training front... Last weekend the Montoya Mafia was in Tucson (thanks to Jaclyn for not letting me off the hook) The Tucson race in July is always hot! This year it was no different. A few cool things about the Tucson races: you never know who will show up and try to out sprint you, there are always familiar faces, there are always races within the race, and I can always count on pushing as hard as I possibly can... in 100* weather! This year perhaps the the three most memorable events were racing Seton to the line for a beer and pushing the limits with Leo...again, and the fact that this race was going to be my 200th career triathlon. At the beginning of the race Seton and I shook hands and sealed the bet. He had a slight head start and I knew it would be close and mutually beneficial not to mention a hell of a lot of fun to race each other. Trouble was, when he caught me on the run I was way too out of sorts to go with him. He opened up a gap and I tried to close, but it was too little too he fricken sprinted to the line as well! Seton, I owe you a cold one next time I am in Tucson.. As for Leo, man the guy don't quit! We usually race within a few seconds of one another there, but in that kind of heat... and our age... whew, lucky to get out of that one without loosing consciousness..FOR REALS! Marlene asked me after the race what it's like to push that hard in that heat....EZ, come out of the swim with a two minute deficit, ride the bike so hard you puke (just a little), then run side by side pushing the threshold to the point of your surroundings getting a little blurry from time to time... then cap it off with a sprint to the line.. IT HURT A LOT, but it was totally worth it and that's what part of this amazing journey has all been about.
Right after the race we loaded up the car and headed for Denver CO. 15 hrs later we had driven across the Salt River Canyon, back through Show Low AZ, and were at our destination by 4:45 the next morning.. Which brings me to today. Today is our anniversary! 16 years ago today it is safe to say Marlene didn't know what kind of roller coaster she was getting on, but for the grace of God it has been a wonderful ride (for me anyway)! Huge THANK YOU to Mar for putting up with me for so long. The consecutive training days are still a go and today just happens to be number 200! Maybe a sunset run with Mar through the forest trails?? Lastly all systems seem to be a go for one of the biggest races I have done in quite some time, The Boulder 5150. Should be stacked with the best of the best.....Bring It!!
As you already know Leticia Martinez is one of my peeps who I put tons of faith into, someone who when they call (text) will certainly brighten your day, someone who not only levels out the negatives and makes it all worth the while, but someone who can actually make me see past myself:) For the better part of the past 2 years Leticia and I have texted (via an app which adds voice to text). We keep one another updated on the goings on if you will, we encourage each other...I try to send her good vibes about her training and let her know about my race results while she keeps me motivated and encouraged by not only her remarkable race results, but by her shear resilience, will power, drive, and positive attitude. A couple years ago I remember Leticia being really happy when we took our annual Colorado family vacation because it meant a lull in her triathlon training for a few days (mostly the running). This summer as we are in CO... so is Leticia, only she is also training and racing....AT THE OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTER!!! Yeah she is a total bad ass swimmer now. She attacked that sport much the same way she attacks everything in life...pedal to the metal! Currently Leticia is ranked number 1 in the United States and 6th in the world among blind swimmers! Her current goal is to break :30 seconds in the 50 free, her longer term goal...London 2012!! To express how very proud I am of her would be extremely difficult, so most of the time I just say keep it up or good job or something along those lines. It's not until later that it all begins to sink in and I realize just how far she has come and how dramatically sports can change a persons perspective on life... makes me very happy! A funny on Leticia.... I remember when we would train for the run, Leticia would do this little trick where she would not only loosely tie her shoes, she would also tie one just a fraction looser then the other..Why, you ask yourself?? Easy, because as we would get to running first one would "mysteriously" come untied, then a a little while later the other one would do the same... She would get to rest, sit, and tie her shoe, not once, but twice! I would let her for the most part and just pretend not to be hip to her trickery, but then during the Socorro Triathlon when it was game time one little shoe came untied and I quickly tied them both...TIGHT! She said,"what are you doing I usually tie my own shoes"... not this time I explained. We needed to hustle to the finish line and sitting down in the middle of a triathlon to tie not one, but two shoes (in a quarter mile) was just not an option, she sort of gave a frustrated sigh, then later a little chuckle, and at the end a huge thank you as we crossed the finish line....
On the racing/training front... Last weekend the Montoya Mafia was in Tucson (thanks to Jaclyn for not letting me off the hook) The Tucson race in July is always hot! This year it was no different. A few cool things about the Tucson races: you never know who will show up and try to out sprint you, there are always familiar faces, there are always races within the race, and I can always count on pushing as hard as I possibly can... in 100* weather! This year perhaps the the three most memorable events were racing Seton to the line for a beer and pushing the limits with Leo...again, and the fact that this race was going to be my 200th career triathlon. At the beginning of the race Seton and I shook hands and sealed the bet. He had a slight head start and I knew it would be close and mutually beneficial not to mention a hell of a lot of fun to race each other. Trouble was, when he caught me on the run I was way too out of sorts to go with him. He opened up a gap and I tried to close, but it was too little too he fricken sprinted to the line as well! Seton, I owe you a cold one next time I am in Tucson.. As for Leo, man the guy don't quit! We usually race within a few seconds of one another there, but in that kind of heat... and our age... whew, lucky to get out of that one without loosing consciousness..FOR REALS! Marlene asked me after the race what it's like to push that hard in that heat....EZ, come out of the swim with a two minute deficit, ride the bike so hard you puke (just a little), then run side by side pushing the threshold to the point of your surroundings getting a little blurry from time to time... then cap it off with a sprint to the line.. IT HURT A LOT, but it was totally worth it and that's what part of this amazing journey has all been about.
Right after the race we loaded up the car and headed for Denver CO. 15 hrs later we had driven across the Salt River Canyon, back through Show Low AZ, and were at our destination by 4:45 the next morning.. Which brings me to today. Today is our anniversary! 16 years ago today it is safe to say Marlene didn't know what kind of roller coaster she was getting on, but for the grace of God it has been a wonderful ride (for me anyway)! Huge THANK YOU to Mar for putting up with me for so long. The consecutive training days are still a go and today just happens to be number 200! Maybe a sunset run with Mar through the forest trails?? Lastly all systems seem to be a go for one of the biggest races I have done in quite some time, The Boulder 5150. Should be stacked with the best of the best.....Bring It!!
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The finish line is often times just the beginning |
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Good thing Leo is Mortician... at least he can make me look pretty after he gives me a heart attack!! |
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Seton totally laying it on the line for that beer!! |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Peaks and Valleys 6-22-11
Don't ask me why, but it seems I've been feeling a heck of a lot better lately! Last weekend my little brother Steven and I were able to get in a few good workouts together and everything seemed to fall into place. Perhaps one of the best runs in recent memory went down on Saturday evening, one of those runs that will be on your mind for years to come! Steven and I had finally decided to run at about 9 pm, at first we said it would just be an easy run, but that all changed the minute one of us started "half wheeling" the other. By the time I knew it we were in a dead on sprint down Avenida De Mesilla. The sprint continued for roughly two minutes. Luckily one us finally let off the gas a bit and the pace turned a tad more manageable. It wasn't long, however, until we were at it again...this time I figured I would sucker him into a longer session, say 4 minutes.. I figured that I was in a little better shape and would be able to hold the pace longer, but no way could I keep up with him in a dead on sprint (Steven was a sprinter and long jumper before triathlons). By the half way point of our run we had done 3 pick ups which ended in an all out sprint. I don't think either one of really spoke, we were just ready to spring at a moments notice. This kept on for the remainder of the run until the last mile or so when we decided to finally call a truce and cool down. I haven't run that fast in years..or ever?? Fun times with the little bro! The next morning Steven was anxious to get his new TTX on the pavement so we went for a ride through some familiar territory. Once again by the time we were in the pecan fields, we were hitting each other with 30mph bursts. It was nice to know I still had the power to do those workouts...for a while there little thoughts of self doubt were beginning to creep in..not a good thing when I am contemplating my most memorable season. True, this Tri season has not really gotten off to the start I had hoped for, but there are good signs and good times on the horizon thanks to my family, friends, and sponsors. I've been at this long enough to know there are peaks and valleys I guess all you need sometimes is a little push from someone you believe in, someone you whole heatedly put all your trust in, someone who you know will never hurt you...intentionally, unlike the puking feeling after a workout that went a little array:) and lastly someone you know will always have your back no matter what! Who knows where the journey will take you and honestly who cares as long as you are surrounded with the right people, I guarantee the end point will be filled with jokes, smiles, beers, and love...or wine if you are with the Medina's.
For those of you that are wondering about the streak, well it lives on! Yesterday I ran at around 1 pm around A Mountain...(an all time favorite place of mine). It was around 98*, my run felt great, and I knew the 78* water temp at NMSU pool would feel even better when I got there! Yesterday made 182 straight days! Some workouts have been better then others that's true, but just like the peaks and valleys, we have to go through one to appreciate the other...
Peace Out and enjoy the little pics below, I figured you might be tired of the same old same old.....(background on the pics...we did a little get fit program at school where the kids raced against each other, this was the difference between 1st and 2nd place)...WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE!!
For those of you that are wondering about the streak, well it lives on! Yesterday I ran at around 1 pm around A Mountain...(an all time favorite place of mine). It was around 98*, my run felt great, and I knew the 78* water temp at NMSU pool would feel even better when I got there! Yesterday made 182 straight days! Some workouts have been better then others that's true, but just like the peaks and valleys, we have to go through one to appreciate the other...
Peace Out and enjoy the little pics below, I figured you might be tired of the same old same old.....(background on the pics...we did a little get fit program at school where the kids raced against each other, this was the difference between 1st and 2nd place)...WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What a trip! Just what the Dr. ordered! 6-16-11
Just pulled back into town from a really cool trip which involved lots and lots of camping (with way cool people), some races including Mar doing a trail half marathon in CO, rafting down the Animas, swimming at the most beautiful place (pool) in the world, and also driving on some of most scary roads the camper and suburban have ever been on.
The trip started with the trek to Show Low, AZ for the Deuces Wild Triathlon Festival. We would be going with our good friends, The Medina's, and helping them celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary. My bro's Steven and Danny would be there as well as Kori and Scott, our friends from Elephant Butte. Joining us later, due to forced evacuation from their original campsite was Terry and JD. All in all it made for a damn cool camping experience with lots of cool folk!
After our usual stop in Pie Town for some pecan pies we were off.... into the smoke... Little did we know it would turn into the biggest fire in the history of AZ forest fires! We made it to Fools Hollow Lake where we would be staying for the next 4 nights.
The races went off as usual and the water colder then f###, as usual, and as usual which tends to be the case there I freaked out just a little bit in the swim??? I guess the combination of the cold water, the elevation, my sleeveless wetsuit, due to the fact that it seems I have "out grown" my full suit, and starting a little too hard left me with a 4 minute gap to the main comp! I never really made much up the rest of the race and finished 11th overall. My run did feel pretty good and I took that little positive into the next day's XTERRA race. I was a little disappointed with my overall placing because I knew I should have finished in the top 5 (more on that later). The next day we were up at 5 again for a chilly swim start which was actually an hour earlier then the day before! Better swim, still had some in the tank for the bike, and had my best run split there in 6 years!! I actually felt like I was racing where as the day before it was like I was only going through the motions. 11th overall yet again, only this time I was pleased with the result. The only person who passed me on the run was my bro Danny (who has a wicked fast run and usually posts the fastest run split of the's included)! 11th was the best I have ever placed the XTERRA especially after racing the day before, so it really left me with a better feeling then the olympic race.
Funny thing is that after the olympic race I was talking to a friend of mine. I was telling her (J) that I was cool with my placing and its ok to lose to someone every now and again... WTF was I saying, I kinda think that was what she was thinking as well?? I guess because I seem to have gotten pretty "at ease" in my life that I almost forgot how to use that fire inside me that has gotten me to this point. My job for the better part of the next few weeks was to chill on the hard training (still train though) and find that part of me that wanted to beat the living shit out of anyone I faced, keep up on the swim, kick their ass on the bike and let them try to catch me on the run...Sometimes it worked and a few times I was pretty jacked starting the run, but at least I felt I was racing like MIKE! Out on my run today it occurred to me just how much it bothered me when a dude passed me on the bike and called me by name as if to acknowledge he knew me and now he was going to blow past me...NOT AGAIN! My homework assignment is complete, I will do the workouts it takes to make sure I am not stepping stone someone measures themselves with by beating me, I will do my best to let them measure by how close they get!! With that being said, I will now get back to the fun stuff...Happy Place, Happy Place...:)
So we left Show Low and headed for colorful Colorado! Next stops would include places such as Durango, Pagosa, Silverton, Telluride, and perhaps the most beautiful place I have ever been...Ouray. We pulled the camper up and down some treacherous passes, took the suburban 4x4ing, went river rafting, hot springing, and basically just had a blast (did what Dr. Jaclyn ordered)! We were gone for 15 days and it was definitely one of the most memorable vacations on record. Huge thanks to the Medina family, my bros Danny and Steven, Kori and Scott, and my 1994 GMC that never says quit!
The trip started with the trek to Show Low, AZ for the Deuces Wild Triathlon Festival. We would be going with our good friends, The Medina's, and helping them celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary. My bro's Steven and Danny would be there as well as Kori and Scott, our friends from Elephant Butte. Joining us later, due to forced evacuation from their original campsite was Terry and JD. All in all it made for a damn cool camping experience with lots of cool folk!
After our usual stop in Pie Town for some pecan pies we were off.... into the smoke... Little did we know it would turn into the biggest fire in the history of AZ forest fires! We made it to Fools Hollow Lake where we would be staying for the next 4 nights.
The races went off as usual and the water colder then f###, as usual, and as usual which tends to be the case there I freaked out just a little bit in the swim??? I guess the combination of the cold water, the elevation, my sleeveless wetsuit, due to the fact that it seems I have "out grown" my full suit, and starting a little too hard left me with a 4 minute gap to the main comp! I never really made much up the rest of the race and finished 11th overall. My run did feel pretty good and I took that little positive into the next day's XTERRA race. I was a little disappointed with my overall placing because I knew I should have finished in the top 5 (more on that later). The next day we were up at 5 again for a chilly swim start which was actually an hour earlier then the day before! Better swim, still had some in the tank for the bike, and had my best run split there in 6 years!! I actually felt like I was racing where as the day before it was like I was only going through the motions. 11th overall yet again, only this time I was pleased with the result. The only person who passed me on the run was my bro Danny (who has a wicked fast run and usually posts the fastest run split of the's included)! 11th was the best I have ever placed the XTERRA especially after racing the day before, so it really left me with a better feeling then the olympic race.
Funny thing is that after the olympic race I was talking to a friend of mine. I was telling her (J) that I was cool with my placing and its ok to lose to someone every now and again... WTF was I saying, I kinda think that was what she was thinking as well?? I guess because I seem to have gotten pretty "at ease" in my life that I almost forgot how to use that fire inside me that has gotten me to this point. My job for the better part of the next few weeks was to chill on the hard training (still train though) and find that part of me that wanted to beat the living shit out of anyone I faced, keep up on the swim, kick their ass on the bike and let them try to catch me on the run...Sometimes it worked and a few times I was pretty jacked starting the run, but at least I felt I was racing like MIKE! Out on my run today it occurred to me just how much it bothered me when a dude passed me on the bike and called me by name as if to acknowledge he knew me and now he was going to blow past me...NOT AGAIN! My homework assignment is complete, I will do the workouts it takes to make sure I am not stepping stone someone measures themselves with by beating me, I will do my best to let them measure by how close they get!! With that being said, I will now get back to the fun stuff...Happy Place, Happy Place...:)
Everything felt forced on day 1 |
Steven is getting good at photography |
The Hardware :) |
So we left Show Low and headed for colorful Colorado! Next stops would include places such as Durango, Pagosa, Silverton, Telluride, and perhaps the most beautiful place I have ever been...Ouray. We pulled the camper up and down some treacherous passes, took the suburban 4x4ing, went river rafting, hot springing, and basically just had a blast (did what Dr. Jaclyn ordered)! We were gone for 15 days and it was definitely one of the most memorable vacations on record. Huge thanks to the Medina family, my bros Danny and Steven, Kori and Scott, and my 1994 GMC that never says quit!
Mo and Levi rafting on the Animas |
Mar and little man |
Partners in crime :) |
Messing around in Ouray...The most gorgeous place on earth! |
Silverton |
This made Mar really happy! |
My view as I swam my laps in the Ouray hot springs... everyday |
Campfires are allowed in CO and Salud. |
The mountains in Ouray are very dangerous |
Very proud of my Suburban....yet again!! |
Monday, May 30, 2011
Fish out of Water
Summer time is finally here!! Don't get me wrong, I am not like one of those teachers who do the whole countdown till summer thing. As a matter of fact I pretty much enjoy my job and I approach the summer break much the same as I do a Friday at school! However, I am not denying the fact that we all need a break and the summer will be a blast with no work obligations:) with that being said, lots have happened between the Gila tour and now.
School ended on a good note with New Mexico Days, a day devoted to the customs and cultures of this great state! We decided early on this year to construct an authentic Navajo Pit House. I had no idea how much work this would be (given the population I work with). The original plan was to dig a 3 foot hole 10 x10 feet wide, make enough adobes to go around the structure, then put logs, sticks, and mud to cover the entire structure. Obstacles we encountered on the project: sewer lines smack dab in the middle of the first dig, dirt which was too sandy to maintain the consistency of an adobe, time it actually takes to make a 40 lb. adobe (about 25 hrs to make the 100 adobes from scratch), and lastly the hard work under the New Mexico sun! Educational benefits we were able to incorporate: ratios (math) the use of real life bar graphs and pie charts of the different soils and grasses we used for the perfect adobe, hands on social studies classes, integration of regular education and special education students, community participation, and lastly a visit by the LCPS Asst. Superintendent to view the final construction. During the week prior to NM Days we had managed to dig the 10 x 10 pit, make 2 tons of adobes on our own, were able to get an additional 8 tons of adobes donated (which we had to transport), and finally erect about half of the project. As always I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, and as always I got in a little over my head, and as always it all worked out in the end! Dr. Sanchez and my principal Mr. Davis were so impressed that I was nominated for a Golden Apple Award :) It's all good at the place I work!!
First Tri of the season!!! Up until this point I felt like a fish out of water, doing mountain bike, road bike, and running races. So when race weekend came, I was excited and anxious, but really tired (from all the adobe stuff)! Going into this race was a little different then the other series races in Tucson. Over the off season I was able to meet and train with all the team. Those guys, and gals, are really fast (and cool). When I see any of them at a race, I know any one of them could win it on any given day. Usually I go for broke on race day (and still do), if I were to get passed or beat I would take it a bit personally, but now a days it seems like I have made a complete 180*. I am happy for the guys wearing the red white and blue of Trisports no matter what position they are in the race. I knew Leo and Brian would be up there and I noticed Thomas was racing as well. Thomas won the team triathlon in the spring so I figured he would be the guy to beat! The race went pretty well, I finished 5th overall right between Brian and Leo (keeping awesome company), Thomas won, and Mar and I got a nice little weekend get away without the kiddos ;) All in all I feel I am right where I needed to be, I just didn't think about how hard the school project was going to be and how many hours I was going spend in the sun so close to a race in which I like to do well in.... Looking back, it was totally worth it and I would do it all over again exactly the same!! Next up, Deuces Wild Triathlon festival in Show Low AZ. where we will be camping together with our good friends The Medina's, My bro's Steven and Danny, and race directors Kori and Scott (we will have all three races covered)!!! Good times on the horizon! Enjoy the summer my friends... I know I will! By the way, yesterday made 159 straight days of training without an off day...can you say OCD??
School ended on a good note with New Mexico Days, a day devoted to the customs and cultures of this great state! We decided early on this year to construct an authentic Navajo Pit House. I had no idea how much work this would be (given the population I work with). The original plan was to dig a 3 foot hole 10 x10 feet wide, make enough adobes to go around the structure, then put logs, sticks, and mud to cover the entire structure. Obstacles we encountered on the project: sewer lines smack dab in the middle of the first dig, dirt which was too sandy to maintain the consistency of an adobe, time it actually takes to make a 40 lb. adobe (about 25 hrs to make the 100 adobes from scratch), and lastly the hard work under the New Mexico sun! Educational benefits we were able to incorporate: ratios (math) the use of real life bar graphs and pie charts of the different soils and grasses we used for the perfect adobe, hands on social studies classes, integration of regular education and special education students, community participation, and lastly a visit by the LCPS Asst. Superintendent to view the final construction. During the week prior to NM Days we had managed to dig the 10 x 10 pit, make 2 tons of adobes on our own, were able to get an additional 8 tons of adobes donated (which we had to transport), and finally erect about half of the project. As always I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, and as always I got in a little over my head, and as always it all worked out in the end! Dr. Sanchez and my principal Mr. Davis were so impressed that I was nominated for a Golden Apple Award :) It's all good at the place I work!!
First Tri of the season!!! Up until this point I felt like a fish out of water, doing mountain bike, road bike, and running races. So when race weekend came, I was excited and anxious, but really tired (from all the adobe stuff)! Going into this race was a little different then the other series races in Tucson. Over the off season I was able to meet and train with all the team. Those guys, and gals, are really fast (and cool). When I see any of them at a race, I know any one of them could win it on any given day. Usually I go for broke on race day (and still do), if I were to get passed or beat I would take it a bit personally, but now a days it seems like I have made a complete 180*. I am happy for the guys wearing the red white and blue of Trisports no matter what position they are in the race. I knew Leo and Brian would be up there and I noticed Thomas was racing as well. Thomas won the team triathlon in the spring so I figured he would be the guy to beat! The race went pretty well, I finished 5th overall right between Brian and Leo (keeping awesome company), Thomas won, and Mar and I got a nice little weekend get away without the kiddos ;) All in all I feel I am right where I needed to be, I just didn't think about how hard the school project was going to be and how many hours I was going spend in the sun so close to a race in which I like to do well in.... Looking back, it was totally worth it and I would do it all over again exactly the same!! Next up, Deuces Wild Triathlon festival in Show Low AZ. where we will be camping together with our good friends The Medina's, My bro's Steven and Danny, and race directors Kori and Scott (we will have all three races covered)!!! Good times on the horizon! Enjoy the summer my friends... I know I will! By the way, yesterday made 159 straight days of training without an off day...can you say OCD??
Friday, May 6, 2011
5-06-11 Four Days, A First Holy Communion, A Stage Win, and A Full Circle
It seems like forever ago since I have had enough time to sit down and update the goings on... One track season has come and gone, we did a killer assembly at school, finished The Tour of The Gila, and now the final track season (6th and 7th grade) will be over tomorrow! The consecutive days training is still in full swing (135 and counting), but I must admit there were a few recovery swims before and after the Gila.
First things first, The Tour of The Gila.... This was my first bike race since 2005 when I used to ride for the local Zia Velo bike team. We were sponsored by an RV shop in the Tucson area so we would race there whenever possible and it was there where I wrecked, tore my MCL, broke my tibial plateau, broke my fibula, and my tail bone (most painful).yeah it was a bad wreck and I vowed never to bike race again. Somewhere between the fear of wrecking again, the need to conquer my fear, and a few fast "Heater Rides", I seemed to have signed up for the most difficult amateur road race in the nation. I tried my best to train for the race, but there are just some things I could not simulate, fortunately I do posses the ability to ride hard (solo) and not quit and these traits would serve me well....yet again..
Day one: To say I was nervous about this stage would be a humongous understatement! The stage started with some pretty intense downhill portions including the famous Sapillo descent. To be honest I was scared shit less, rode way too easy on the descents, let the main pack get a sizable gap on me, thought I could close by riding solo in the valley, and still be in the race...WRONG! At first I wanted to keep the main group in striking distance and actually started the Sapillo descent in perfect position, but three bad (witnessed) crashes later and I backed way off and descended solo. I did ride as hard as I could in the valley trying to get back with the leaders, but those dudes are way too strong to pull back by myself. I ended up riding solo behind the main pack of about 20 guys and ahead of the chase pack of 12 riders for about 50 miles. The only reason I knew there was a pack behind me? On the final climb of the day (@2000 feet), they passed me as I was cramping so bad I doubted myself being able to complete the 4 day event!
Day two: After going back to my buddies house, licking my wounds, and downing a few Negra Modelos, I was feeling better about day 2! Day 2 was the individual time trial, a stage I knew I could do well in if I rode like a beast! There was nothing easy about this course, a little over 16 miles, big climbs, scary descents, and 45 mile per hour cross winds. That morning I made a decision to save face and ride hard, even if it meant turning myself inside out in the process. We were sent off in :30 sec intervals so I knew there would always be someone to catch and pass (something I tend to do quite well on a bike). The winds made it extremely difficult to control the bike especially on the descents. I tried to stay in the aerobars as much as possible and push the biggest gear I could still spin. Half way through the race I had already caught about 10 people and knew I was having a stellar ride! Reality struck on the return trip, that's where I came up on a really bad accident (about the 5th one I had seen since day 1) seems like a leading female had lost control on a 40 mph descent and crashed. She was already receiving medical attention, but I could tell she was pretty messed up. There was blood on the side of the road, her bike was in pieces and she was yelling in pain. The officials made us slow way down, move to the opposite side of the road, and encouraged us to not to push the descents beyond the point of safety. Luckily the finish line wasn't too far away so I just rode hard to the finish line. A guy who started ahead of me rode up and was all excited. He was like, "Dude you just ripped that course up, I think you won the whole thing"! I told him thanks, but I didn't think an overall win was possible (the dudes in my category were ripped and rode very strong). Results would not be posted until 8 pm so I figured go back to town, have a few beers, sleep, get a massage, and check the results later. It was a little surprising when I made it back to town to check the results, I found my name at the top by :45 seconds! I immediately let out a big holler and felt the old familiar rush inside me that usually only happens as a result of winning something really big! I was ecstatic to say the least! Key points of the TT stage: forgot my TT helmet and rode with a normal one (@:20-:30 sec loss), wore my one piece tri suite from which had no sleeves (apparently against the rules until about a month ago and the only person in the race who went sleeveless), and the last thing is that I can still throw down on the bike at 41!
Day 3: Saturday and a very busy day for the Montoya family. First off the downtown criterium then to Cruces for Monique's First Holy Communion, then back to Silver by 5 am for the final stage on Sunday. The crit was nerve racking with 75 riders sprinting for cash prizes, screaming downhills, and four 90* left hand turns. My goal for the day was to survive the crazy course and squirrely riders. I managed to lead through the prize line a couple of times so the day was a success. I also managed to stay out of a pretty bad crash with about 4 laps to go. A funny thing about the stage was I wanted all the practice as possible on the course, so before they officially sent us off I managed to get in one more lap. As I rode up to the start they were just about to go, everyone was lined up, and I was way in the back. This is a recipe for disaster in a crit so I made my way to the front. Getting there was a challenge and at one point this one dude (dumb f***) told me, what the f*** get to the back. Before I could tell him anything, this other dude stepped in and said, Naw man that's Mike Montoya and he just kicked every one's ass by a minute yesterday in the time trial! The dude shut up and I grinned and gave my new friend a fist bump.....right in dumb f***'s face...
Day 4: The Gila Monster. I made it back to the start line with the help of my little brother Steven. I knew this stage was going to be the most difficult so far and I was hoping for a strong, cramp free day. My ultimate goal would and should have been to stay tucked in the pack all day and then unleash up the final hour long climb of the day. See, to do that would mean to me basically ride like a little bitch all day, never take turn up front, let everyone else do all the work and try to take as much credit as possible.....not my style, personality, or something I will ever believe in doing! From the very beginning of the race I wanted to test my legs and they were responding quite well. I took numerous turns up front pushing the pace and trying to get someone to go with me, but it wasn't happening. After some 55 mph descending with a group of 30 or so riders, the valley section was approaching. The race leader needed to relieve himself so everyone pulled over for about 5 minutes and took a leak. After we resumed riding the pace was disgustingly slow it was conversational pace at best. The race official informed us that the B group was only 2 miles back and if they caught us we would be put in neutral while they passed. The only person (besides me) in the entire pelaton who seemed pissed about this was the race leader he yelled, come on guys lets work! No response, he was the only one pushing the pace. Pussies, I thought, what the hell! I jumped to the front and told him, I'm here let's ride! Immediately I went to the front and pulled at least 26 mph (I am estimating because I have never ridden with a computer, wattage, or any other device except my heart and emotions for 20 years) in three minute increments with about one minute recovery efforts. I kept this up for the next 20 mile, where, at the sprint bonus point the very guys I rode my ass off for sprinted past me to gain some extra swag! Punk ass roadies! I went again and got third in the sprint bonus. You know at this point in the race I made a decision to continue to ride as hard as possible, not to sit in, and see how much stronger I could get for the upcoming tri season, that's the reason I was doing the race in the first place. Yeah I could have sat in the pack and saved myself, maybe I would have have picked up enough places for a top ten finish in the GC, but why??? What's the difference between top 25 and top 10 in a road race, especially if you're the TT stage champ, I thought to myself. Not a damn thing! Push it to the start of the climb then see what's left in the tank. Cool, sounds like a plan I can live with, something I can be proud of, and something I will tell all my bros back home. A cool thing happened the last day and on the final climb none the less, I rode up on an old friend, Terry Moore, who was having her own nice little race. Well when I caught her she was in a little trouble, off her bike in a climbing stage, ready to lose huge amounts of time to the leaders, and just about ready to throw her bike down a cliff. I yelled at her to get back on and I would pull her right back in the race. She did and she rode strong the rest of the ride. I remember yelling back, "just like old times Terry" and hearing in return, "thanks bro". Although times change and people often travel down separate paths, moments like those bring things full circle and it's just two old friends enjoying the hell out of themselves pedaling through some truly remarkable landscape together... again..
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This was me and some of the crazy teachers I work with putting on a KISS concert for 800 middle schoolers |
First things first, The Tour of The Gila.... This was my first bike race since 2005 when I used to ride for the local Zia Velo bike team. We were sponsored by an RV shop in the Tucson area so we would race there whenever possible and it was there where I wrecked, tore my MCL, broke my tibial plateau, broke my fibula, and my tail bone (most painful).yeah it was a bad wreck and I vowed never to bike race again. Somewhere between the fear of wrecking again, the need to conquer my fear, and a few fast "Heater Rides", I seemed to have signed up for the most difficult amateur road race in the nation. I tried my best to train for the race, but there are just some things I could not simulate, fortunately I do posses the ability to ride hard (solo) and not quit and these traits would serve me well....yet again..
Day one: To say I was nervous about this stage would be a humongous understatement! The stage started with some pretty intense downhill portions including the famous Sapillo descent. To be honest I was scared shit less, rode way too easy on the descents, let the main pack get a sizable gap on me, thought I could close by riding solo in the valley, and still be in the race...WRONG! At first I wanted to keep the main group in striking distance and actually started the Sapillo descent in perfect position, but three bad (witnessed) crashes later and I backed way off and descended solo. I did ride as hard as I could in the valley trying to get back with the leaders, but those dudes are way too strong to pull back by myself. I ended up riding solo behind the main pack of about 20 guys and ahead of the chase pack of 12 riders for about 50 miles. The only reason I knew there was a pack behind me? On the final climb of the day (@2000 feet), they passed me as I was cramping so bad I doubted myself being able to complete the 4 day event!
Day two: After going back to my buddies house, licking my wounds, and downing a few Negra Modelos, I was feeling better about day 2! Day 2 was the individual time trial, a stage I knew I could do well in if I rode like a beast! There was nothing easy about this course, a little over 16 miles, big climbs, scary descents, and 45 mile per hour cross winds. That morning I made a decision to save face and ride hard, even if it meant turning myself inside out in the process. We were sent off in :30 sec intervals so I knew there would always be someone to catch and pass (something I tend to do quite well on a bike). The winds made it extremely difficult to control the bike especially on the descents. I tried to stay in the aerobars as much as possible and push the biggest gear I could still spin. Half way through the race I had already caught about 10 people and knew I was having a stellar ride! Reality struck on the return trip, that's where I came up on a really bad accident (about the 5th one I had seen since day 1) seems like a leading female had lost control on a 40 mph descent and crashed. She was already receiving medical attention, but I could tell she was pretty messed up. There was blood on the side of the road, her bike was in pieces and she was yelling in pain. The officials made us slow way down, move to the opposite side of the road, and encouraged us to not to push the descents beyond the point of safety. Luckily the finish line wasn't too far away so I just rode hard to the finish line. A guy who started ahead of me rode up and was all excited. He was like, "Dude you just ripped that course up, I think you won the whole thing"! I told him thanks, but I didn't think an overall win was possible (the dudes in my category were ripped and rode very strong). Results would not be posted until 8 pm so I figured go back to town, have a few beers, sleep, get a massage, and check the results later. It was a little surprising when I made it back to town to check the results, I found my name at the top by :45 seconds! I immediately let out a big holler and felt the old familiar rush inside me that usually only happens as a result of winning something really big! I was ecstatic to say the least! Key points of the TT stage: forgot my TT helmet and rode with a normal one (@:20-:30 sec loss), wore my one piece tri suite from which had no sleeves (apparently against the rules until about a month ago and the only person in the race who went sleeveless), and the last thing is that I can still throw down on the bike at 41!
Day 3: Saturday and a very busy day for the Montoya family. First off the downtown criterium then to Cruces for Monique's First Holy Communion, then back to Silver by 5 am for the final stage on Sunday. The crit was nerve racking with 75 riders sprinting for cash prizes, screaming downhills, and four 90* left hand turns. My goal for the day was to survive the crazy course and squirrely riders. I managed to lead through the prize line a couple of times so the day was a success. I also managed to stay out of a pretty bad crash with about 4 laps to go. A funny thing about the stage was I wanted all the practice as possible on the course, so before they officially sent us off I managed to get in one more lap. As I rode up to the start they were just about to go, everyone was lined up, and I was way in the back. This is a recipe for disaster in a crit so I made my way to the front. Getting there was a challenge and at one point this one dude (dumb f***) told me, what the f*** get to the back. Before I could tell him anything, this other dude stepped in and said, Naw man that's Mike Montoya and he just kicked every one's ass by a minute yesterday in the time trial! The dude shut up and I grinned and gave my new friend a fist bump.....right in dumb f***'s face...
Day 4: The Gila Monster. I made it back to the start line with the help of my little brother Steven. I knew this stage was going to be the most difficult so far and I was hoping for a strong, cramp free day. My ultimate goal would and should have been to stay tucked in the pack all day and then unleash up the final hour long climb of the day. See, to do that would mean to me basically ride like a little bitch all day, never take turn up front, let everyone else do all the work and try to take as much credit as possible.....not my style, personality, or something I will ever believe in doing! From the very beginning of the race I wanted to test my legs and they were responding quite well. I took numerous turns up front pushing the pace and trying to get someone to go with me, but it wasn't happening. After some 55 mph descending with a group of 30 or so riders, the valley section was approaching. The race leader needed to relieve himself so everyone pulled over for about 5 minutes and took a leak. After we resumed riding the pace was disgustingly slow it was conversational pace at best. The race official informed us that the B group was only 2 miles back and if they caught us we would be put in neutral while they passed. The only person (besides me) in the entire pelaton who seemed pissed about this was the race leader he yelled, come on guys lets work! No response, he was the only one pushing the pace. Pussies, I thought, what the hell! I jumped to the front and told him, I'm here let's ride! Immediately I went to the front and pulled at least 26 mph (I am estimating because I have never ridden with a computer, wattage, or any other device except my heart and emotions for 20 years) in three minute increments with about one minute recovery efforts. I kept this up for the next 20 mile, where, at the sprint bonus point the very guys I rode my ass off for sprinted past me to gain some extra swag! Punk ass roadies! I went again and got third in the sprint bonus. You know at this point in the race I made a decision to continue to ride as hard as possible, not to sit in, and see how much stronger I could get for the upcoming tri season, that's the reason I was doing the race in the first place. Yeah I could have sat in the pack and saved myself, maybe I would have have picked up enough places for a top ten finish in the GC, but why??? What's the difference between top 25 and top 10 in a road race, especially if you're the TT stage champ, I thought to myself. Not a damn thing! Push it to the start of the climb then see what's left in the tank. Cool, sounds like a plan I can live with, something I can be proud of, and something I will tell all my bros back home. A cool thing happened the last day and on the final climb none the less, I rode up on an old friend, Terry Moore, who was having her own nice little race. Well when I caught her she was in a little trouble, off her bike in a climbing stage, ready to lose huge amounts of time to the leaders, and just about ready to throw her bike down a cliff. I yelled at her to get back on and I would pull her right back in the race. She did and she rode strong the rest of the ride. I remember yelling back, "just like old times Terry" and hearing in return, "thanks bro". Although times change and people often travel down separate paths, moments like those bring things full circle and it's just two old friends enjoying the hell out of themselves pedaling through some truly remarkable landscape together... again..
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