Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3-23-11 Ying and Yang

Day 91 of training without a day off has come and gone (yesterday). This week is our spring break and for the first time in a many many spring breaks we actually did not make travel plans. Usually we are off to Tucson for the series first race, driving to Denver, or chilling in Socorro. I must admit I kinda like just staying around the house with the family, realizing just how awesome the training in Las Cruces is!

Yesterday I got out on the mountain bike and rode around the local training hot spot. A Mountain has been one of my favorite running and biking places for the last 20 some odd years and yesterday was no different from the all the times before. I found some new single track, rode an old section that I hadn't been on since my younger brother lived here, and had a blast remembering all the people I have either rode or run with on those trails. Mountain biking has always been something I truly enjoy doing. Yesterday I rode for a little over 2 hours all by myself. I listened to my favorite play list and just let my mind wander. By the time I got the pool I was feeling refreshed,dirty, and exhausted all at the same time; so naturally it was bath time...Problem was that the the water temp at the pool has been a little less then desirable lately so it was forced into workout number 2 or freeze! Not the nice easy swim I had planned, but it all worked out, as usual. Riding solo on the single track made me really miss my brother Steven. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the solitude of riding by myself, but absolutely nothing can compare to when Steven, Danny, and yours truly would get together for either mountain or road rides. We would joke so much my sides would cramp from laughing so much... I miss those days!

It has been a little difficult for me to comprehend just how awesome this season has started, the big plans I have in store (stay tuned), and this new resurgence towards training I seem to have acquired. If someone would have told me in December that I would do the 24 hr mountain bike race, trained for over 3 months straight without a break, do a triathlon against the current of an endless river, sign up for Tour of the Gila, and still be in a happy, loving, fun filled family oriented relationship...well, I would have wondered?? Fact is that the 24 hr race was a complete blast and I want to do it again next year, the triathlon in the endless river was probably one of the most memorable ones I have ever done (which may have been my 200th triathlon, I need to double check), and as far as the training goes I may need to take a day off here soon just to make sure my OCD will not get the better of me:) Seems like this would have been exactly how I would have liked this season to start if I would have planned it..

Something interesting I was thinking about yesterday: When we were at the meet and greet social Friday night at, we were asked to say a little something about ourselves and what being a sponsored athlete means to us. I keep going back to the fact of how extremely lucky I am to have a sponsor, ,  have a job I love, and the fact the two could not be further apart from one another. As I was talking to the other athletes, Seton stood up and said he thought for years that I hated him. I kinda knew what he was talking about, but it could not have been further from the truth. Back in 05 (same year as I lost my dad and best friend), hence the fact I was pretty much angry with the whole world.. I was doing the XTERRA Triathlon that put on in Show Low AZ. I took a wrong turn and wound up on this old fire road about 5 or 6 miles off course, enter Seton in this humongous Ford F-950. He catches me, throws my then new trek carbon bike in the back, tells me to hop in...the back, then proceeds to drive like a bat out hell back to the point where I took the wrong turn. My tailbone was smashing against the wheel well, I was fearing for my life (flying out of the back), and my chain ring took a gash out of my forearm. Not a happy camper, but hatred?? C'mon, just ask anyone the kids I work with daily or their, hate?? Never. Anyway long story short, I never hated Seton, but I am aware that sometimes I may have been a little faulty of giving off that impression when I am in competition mode, and for that I am truly sorry. Truth is that is  one of the main areas I have been working on so diligently as of late (be nice, be nice). My point is, I couldn't tell you the number of times I have heard, while at a race, YOU work with little Downs Syndrome and medically fragile kids? Aren't those kids all lovable and huggable and pretty much a joy to be around? Well, YES, yes they are...and so am I when I want to be:) Flip side, at work I hear all the time from the parent of the kids I work with...YOU race and compete in all these events? How is that even possible, you don't seem like you have the personality for that sort of thing.. Well go figure I guess I need the Ying and the Yang...and a six pack to wash it all down;) Fact is, I wish more of my teacher friends had an escape and way to recharge as do I. Flip side, I wish more triathletes would take the time to find the purity and love associated with working with less privileged would make for a more balanced lifestyle either way.....

I leave this blog feeling quite happy and content with the way things are shaping up for this season, honestly I can't remember being in this good of shape this early on... Hopefully it's not just for show;)

Peace out, be cool, and train hard!!

                                                               Me and my BFF Seton :)


  1. boy got teeny weeny little chicken legs like me and rance!

  2. Those were some of the best and most fun times I've ever had! Sucks being solo here in Socorro sometimes. You're tearing it up so far this year, keep it going.

    You're like Vanilla Ice... on a roll it's time to go solo!
