Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Break

Traveling, friends, and family make it a bit hard to keep to a training schedule so it seems I am doing what I can when I can. Running is usually the one workout I will choose when pressed for time. For the past couple days I have done a couple of one hour runs. It's chilly out, probably because although I have all day, I choose to start running around sun set; but it feels good and I scoped out my next run. The Rio Grande is pretty dry and it looked inviting, so it should feel like running on the beach right? Most pools close today for the holiday so I hope to get in a long swim at some point.

Next topic: Triathlon friends, training partners, and fellow competitors who have come and gone.. A couple of years ago my best friend Danny and I were driving back from Ironman Arizona when we decided to make a list. The list would consist of all the people we remembered since the start of our tri career who, were no longer racing or even around anymore...62 was the number we were left with. I think I remembered a few more then Danny, but I am usually the one who is a bit more social. In order to be on the list someone had to to have won a few races, trained with us at some point, or raced at some of the same races we did (someone we would watch out for). The sad part of the list were the cool people who are no longer here (RIP) the funniest parts were remembering the times we all packed in my suburban and headed to a race somewhere. The record for number of people crammed in there was a whopping 17! That was from the Pink Cadillac back to Plaza Las Glorias after one of the many infamous Rocky Point Triathlons. The face on the guy who was operating the taco stand at 4am was priceless when he saw all of us pile out. Who knows where all those people are now a days? I do know one is the model athlete for ZOOT because I see him in all the catalogs.

All I want to do now is Stay Away From The List!!! Happy and safe training. Remember to enjoy these next few months, before we know it the weather will be hot and the racing will be intense...

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